
This project took place during a time when youth unemployment breached the 20 per cent mark at EU level and carried on rising. Unemployment among job seekers under 25 in France rose more than 40 percent in the past year, while total unemployment rose by about 26 percent. A third of Britain's unemployed are under 25. It is now above 50 per cent in Spain. Joblessness is a lagging indicator and therefore it is likely to continue rising well after there is any recovery. This means that more than 6 million young people under 25 are unemployed in the EU, equivalent to over one in five young people. For the partners in this project this is the reality they face.  More specifically, the 2009 OECD “Jobs for Youth” review identified two groups that face particular difficulties in getting a stable job after leaving school: the group of so-called “youth left behind” and the group of so-called “poorly-integrated new entrants”. While the characteristics of the group of youth left behind differ from one country to another, they share the common fact of cumulating multiple disadvantages. Youth in this group tend to lack a diploma, come from an immigrant/minority background and/or live in disadvantaged/rural/remote neighbourhoods. The size of this group can be proxied by the number of young people who are neither in employment, nor in education or training (NEET).
The second group of youth facing difficulties is the group of poorly-integrated new entrants. While these young people often have diplomas, they often find it difficult to find stable employment, even during periods of strong economic growth. They frequently go back and forth between temporary jobs, unemployment and/or inactivity. This second group accounts for about 20-30% of all youth on average in the OECD. This group is also increasing in EU member states involved in this project. The economic downturn is pushing more and more youth, even those who would have performed well in good times, into the group of “poorly-integrated new entrants” and possibly even into the group of “youth left behind”. It is these two groups that form the focus of this project.


TYPE Dissemination Conference

This conference has brought the results of the TYPE project, focusing on European and Local perspectives as to how the problem of youth unemployment is manifesting itself at an EU level and also at a local level in Amadora, Seville, Ealing, Timisoara and Lublin. A panel of young from the five localities have presented their situations and actions they have taken.

Seminar "Youth: One Step Ahead"

EARLALL General Assembly and Seminar "Youth: one step ahead" 7th March 2012

Earlall members have met on the 7th March for the annual General Assembly at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels (BE). As usual this was the occasion to meet in a seminar representatives of other Regions and the European Institutions to discuss an issue particularly important nowadays: youth policies. The Seminar, entitled "Youth: One Step ahead", was aimed at analysing policies following a transversal approach: all policies (education and training, employment, housing, health, etc..) that can allow young people to make one step ahead in their life.

A policy paper has been presented by Earlall to the European Institutions with proposals for improving public policies. Representatives of Institutions at Regional, State and European level discussed the proposals. The Seminar was organised in the framework of OSA project.

