Actions in support to migrant people with reference to situations of economic and social weakness
The Social Service for Immigrants, inside the “Family, School and Social Services Department”, has been carrying out for years several activities both of promotion and in support to the social integration of foreigners.
In particular, through the activities of the Social Secretariat, it offers information and guidance to foreign people in order to foster a good social inclusion from the very beginning of their stay in Milan. In order to promote wider information, the Municipality has prepared researches and brochures about matters of relevant importance, like: legislative guides, list of reception facilities, information about familiar rejoining, information about employment and vocational training, etc. This Social Service, in collaboration with the other services acting in the same area (Hospitals, Police, associations, private sector), is constantly monitoring the social dynamics, in order to intercept the difficulties linked to the different stages of the migratory life: onset of an illness, loss of the job and consequent loss of immigration permit, psychological confusion, situation of feminine population facing violence and abuse, etc.
In fact, after a “first level information”, a wider range of actions are carried out to follow foreign persons in situation of weakness, with activities of short/medium/long period.
Milan offers to non-Italian citizens social services indispensable for achieving a positive integration, such as inclusion and territorial services, support for those suffering for disadvantage due to adaptation to the new context and language, access to labour market, social and housing services, legal and medical assistance.
Another problem is the situation of elder foreigners who have been living in this area for many years but, owing to their age, they lose their job and are more exposed to situations of illegality.
The services provided by this Department are integrated by further resources like:
- individual Educational paths;
- help to foreigners when discharged from hospitals;
- assisted repatriations for sick foreign citizens;
- economic contributions.