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(Social Experimentation for Active Ageing)
Active Ageing
Building Healthy Communities
(European Social Inclusion Platform)

(European Regeneration Managers Network)

INTI: Healthy & Wealthy togehther
Local Forums For Developing
Participatory Democracy
(Woman, Enterprise, Employment in Local Development)
Intercultural Youth Panels
(Integration Exchange)
(Managing migration and integration at local level)
Urb Health
Women in Local Development

Women in local development

Project presentation
On-line Good Practice Exchange
Peer Review Workshops

Local Action Groups
Local mapping
Key Documents

Professional Profiles - The gate

Gonella, Raffaella
Canestri, Susanna

Gilli, Claudia
Ciampolini, Tiziana
Garigali, Elisabetta
Palese, Luca
Meduri, Emanuela
Rorato, Susanna
Luciano Calaresu
Garbarini, Giovanni
Gavin, Stefania
De Vecchi, Isabella
Consiglio, Maria Antonietta

Gonella, Raffaella

Contact Details
The Gate Project
Tel (+39) 011 5216242
Fax (+39) 011 4358533
e-mail: -

Current and past Work
In the Community Development Unit (The Gate Project): work to support the citizenship involvement in urban transformation process. Researcher in community psychology and community psychiatry fields. Individual and group psychotherapist.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in psychology at the University of Turin.
Master in individual and group psychotherapy (COIRAG – Turin).
PHD at the Faculty of Psychology – University of Turin.

Professional areas of interest
Community development.
Clinical and health interventions.

Areas of Expertise
Group conduction, social networking, social research.
Psychotherapy, interventions in health promotion.

Language skills : English, french


Canestri, Susanna

Contact details
Susanna Canestri

Current work
City of Torino - Urban Regeneration and Development Department
In charge of "Local Development Actions Area": in charge of planning, management, evaluation, human resource management (3 Urban Regeneration Programmes, 8 Local Development Actions). In charge of Contratto di Quartiere 2 - Via Ghedini.
In charge of National Civil Voluntary Service (planning, selection, training, co-ordination and monitoring of the volunteers); training and working stages.
In charge of the project "Azione territoriale partecipata e sicurezza urbana" and of other cross-department, provincial and regional projects.

Past work
Co-ordinator of a Social Service: planning, management, evaluation and monitoring of the interventions; human resources management .
Teacher of socio-health operators.

Education and professional training
Degree in Social Services.
Degree in Sociology.
Master in Sociology.

Professional areas of interest
Urban security, immigration, urban regeneration (local development, conflict management , multidisciplinary interventions).

Areas of expertise
Human resources management; work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams; planning and evaluation of projects about social politics, urban regeneration and local development.
Expert in communication and relational processes.
Expert in networking, community development, conflict management, action-research, groups.

Language skills : French, Spanish and English



Gilli, Claudia

Contact Details
Claudia Gilli
Città di Torino
Settore Formazione, Orientamento, Fondo Sociale Europeo Ferrucci, 122 - 10141 - Torino
tel. +39 011 4425980 - fax:+39 011 4425914

Current Work
In charge of School and Professional Guidance Centre - Turin Municipality.
In charge of InformaLavoro: journal on work and training subjects.
In charge of Professional Training Service: monitoring and evaluation of training projects.
Manager of the Division "Employment, Guidance and Training" (ESF, ERDF, European projects) for the Turin Municipality. Objective: promoting and co-ordinating projects on employment and training based on national and European funds.
Project manager of "Da donna a donna" Equal project.
Member of the Equal Opportunities Committee - Turin Municipality.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Foreign languages and literature.

Professional areas of interest
Social planning.

Areas of Expertise
Employment, Training, Guidance

Language skills
French: good comprehension and good expression


ATI Equal, Unions, Agefos PME Rhone-Alpes di Lione, Istituto de la Mujer Regione Murcia.


Ciampolini, Tiziana

Contact Details
Tiziana Ciampolini
Tel +39 335 5225267

Current Work
Counsultant for planning services and teacher:

  • Caritas Italiana: planner and coordinator, coordinator of the Poverty and Resources Observatory for the Region Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta;
  • Associazione Presenza Solidale: Organizing Consultant
  • Avventura Urbana: Project Consultant: Women and Job, Plans for Urban Improvements and Social Following in Corso Grosseto (Turin)
  • Fondazione Feyles: Teacher in the educational and psychological area

Past Work
Professional Educator in relation to Services for juvenile (minors)
President of Social Cooperative

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Education with Psychological orientation
Master for teacher with psycho-sociological orientation
Master for Specialist in Autobiographical techniques

Professional areas of interest
Development of local community
Development of methodology for the output of knowledge
Social and Personal Empowerment

Areas of Expertise

Language skills : Italian, English


Laura Formenti, Università di Milano Bicocca
Mauro Magatti, Università Cattolica di Milano
Gino Mazzoli, social politics expert, Reggio Emilia
Libera Università dell'autobiografia, Anghiari, Arezzo


Garigali, Elisabetta

Contact Details
Elisabetta Garigali
Agenzia di Sviluppo Locale Falchera
Via dei Pioppi, 43 - 10156 Torino
Tel. +39 011 2625687

Current Work
Planning and co-ordination in community development actions. Front and back office in an information desk about work subjects.

Past Work
Educator in residential services for children and adolescents. Teaching in sociology, collaborations in heath promotion projects (AIDS and drug abuse problems).

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Political Sciences - Sociology

Professional areas of interest
Social field and human relationships, promotion of entrepreneurship and occupation.

Areas of Expertise
Co-ordination and management skills.

Language skills : English


Urban Regeneration and Development Department, Association Kairos, third sector.


Palese, Luca

Luca Palese
Città di Torino
Dirigente Settore Tempi e Orari della città
Via Palazzo di Città, 21 - 10122 - Torino
tel.+39 011 4422836 - fax: +39 011 4423810

Current Work
Manager of the Sector "Tempi e Orari" for the Turin Municipality. Objective: to make analysis, cooperation process and experimentation on conciliating time between work and life (work-life balance).

Past Work
Organizational Co-ordinator of the research "Uso del tempo" (the use of the time) for the Turin Area (with Istat) 2002-2006
In charge of the sector on building "Piano territoriale dei Tempi e degli orari della città (2000-2001)"

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Philosophy.
Different training in: organization and evaluation of the urban policy; human resources management.

Professional areas of interest
Social planning.
Works with the school.

Areas of Expertise

Management; Education.

Language skills : English and French.


Gender equality Committee of Turin Municipality; Workshop "città sostenibile"; University of Social Science


Meduri, Emanuela

Contact Details

Emanuela Meduri - Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Locale di San Salvario
Via Sant'Anselmo 20/c, 10125 Torino
Tel./Fax (+39) 011 6686772
Email :

Current Work
Consultant for the San Salvario Local Development Agency, in charge of the economic and commercial areas.
The Agency promotes and supports the citizens participation in the urban regeneration processes:

  1. is partner of the City and of the District in the formulation and realization of public policies on the local area;
  2. supports the planning of the local actors;
  3. has an orientation desk for people living and working in the neighbourhood;
  4. plans and realizes actions to improve cultural, social and economic resources of the area.

The Agency works in the following areas: Built environment - improvement of public and private places; Economy and commerce - support to new enterprises and improvement of existing ones; Culture - actions to favour resources of the neighbourhood ;
Society and education: actions of participated local development.

Past Work
International cooperation, community development (education and training, economic and commercial networks, micro-credit in South-Saharan Africa and in Magreb.
Consultant in projects for the access to work of immigrants.
Operator in community for people with alcohol and drug correlated problems.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Political Sciences, University of Turin.
Master in Social Economy and International Cooperation, Carid- University of Ferrara.
Specialisation in Mediation of Processes of Territorial Networks, Regione Piemonte.

Professional areas of interest
Participated social planning, immigration, economic development, international cooperation

Areas of Expertise
Participated social planning, networking, economic and social local development, projects for disadvantage people.

Language skills : French, English



Rorato, Susanna

Contact details
Susanna Rorato

Current work
Co-ordinator manager of Equal Opportunities Department and Time and Motion Department - City of Torino.

Past work
Co-ordinator of the Equal Opportunities Committee. Member of the Women Council of the City of Torino.

Education and professional training
Degree in Law Sciences.

Professional areas of interest
Professional training to students and public employees.
Promotion of equal opportunities culture.
Projects for people with different sexual orientation.

Areas of expertise
Equal opportunities, gender politics, service LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual)

Language skills English



Calaresu, Luciano

Contact details
Luciano Calaresu
Via Le Chiuse, 59 Torino
Tel: +39-01143493070

Current Work
Since 1999 in charge of and co-ordinator of urban regeneration agencies (PRU di Via Ivrea, Pru di Caselle, Contratto di Quartiere Via Ghedini). Planner and co-ordinator of ESF projects (Equal - ILDEITS, Retiqual); of the Program of Comunitarian Action Against Social Exclusion – Linfa, Street), and of work inclusion projects. Research activity.

Past Work
Since 1995 social operator in community development projects;
Since 2001 teacher in courses for educators and animators;
From 2000 to 2003 director of Cooperativa Animazione Valdocco.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Science of Education

Professional areas of interest
Projects of community development; planning of cultural events; conflict mediation; fund rising .

Areas of Expertise
Co-ordination and managing of communication and information activities; planning and organizing public events; co-ordination of information desk on work policies; managing participation processes with citizens, associations, enterprises, institutions; co-ordination of urban regeneration agencies.

Language skills : English

Websites , , ; www.provincia;

Professionals of Turin Municipality; Forcoop - Training Agency; LegaCoop; Province of Torino, Regione Piemonte


Garbarini, Giovanni

Contact details
Staff dell'Assessore a Decentramento, Area Metropolitana, Pari Opportunità, Tempi e Orari, Politiche Giovanili della Città di Torino.
Via Corte d'Appello 16.
10122 Torino
Tel. 0039/011/4431100

Current Work
Member of the staff of the Town Councillor of Decentralization, Urban Area, Equal Opportunities, Time and Motion, Youth Policy - City of Torino.

Past Work
Philosophy and history teacher in secondary schools in Torino from 1980 to 2001.
Collaborator of the City of Torino since 2001.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in History - Faculty of Arts Torino.

Professional areas of interest
History of workers movement, sociology of education, electoral statistics, sociology of time, gender studies, equal opportunities, gender budgeting.

Areas of Expertise
Planning, historical and sociological research, analysis od datas.

Language skills : English, French.



Gavin, Stefania

Contact details:
Tel. (+39) 011 5216242
Fax. (+39) 011 4358533

Current Work
In the Community Development Unit (inside The Gate Project):
Work in different area and with several target (migrant women, Security Committee, teachers, youth). The aim is to support the citizenship involvement in urban transformation process.

Past Work

  • Trainer in the area of conflict management and psychosocial integration of refugee and torture victims for different national and local Agencies
  • International Cooperation: Assessment and implementation of psychosocial project in Bosnia with Italian NGO; trainings in the Balkan Area for educators and journalists.
  • Consultant for the Peace and Cooperation Office of the Municipality of Chieri

Education and Professional Training

  • Degree in psychology at the Padova University
  • Post - Degree Course in Cultural Anthropology ( Turin University)
  • Trainings in ethno-psychiatry and in conflict management

Professional areas of interest

  • Community Development (active citizenship, empowerment of minority groups, social support system)
  • Migrants and Refugees integration; ethno-psychiatry

Areas of Expertise

  • Social networking, conflict management, focus-group conduction, group facilitation
  • Psychosocial support to Refugees and Torture Victims

Language skills : English, German, Bosnian



De Vecchi, Isabella

Isabella De Vecchi
Piano di Recupero Urbano Via Artom
Via Fratelli Garrone , 39/90 - 10127 Torino
Tel. 0039 011 6066587

Current Work
Planning and co-ordination of social following projects, local development and social housing.
President of the Biloba Social Cooperative

Past Work
In charge of Educational Department of the WWF.
Planner of environmental education centres.

Education and Professional Training
Degree in Agriculture
Courses on conflicts management and of local development.

Professional areas of interest
Environment and social housing.

Areas of Expertise
Expert in local development, networks, conflicts management.

Language skills
English and French.


YEPP network.


Consiglio, Maria Antonietta

Contact Details:
Maria Antonietta Consiglio
Servizio Lavoro Decentrato
Circoscrizione 5 – Comune di Torino

Current work
In charge of the Communication Service, the Decentralized Work Service, Informa5 Magazine Service, Public Relations Service of the V District – City of Turin.

Past work
Operator in professional workshops for young people in the V District. In charge of GIOC Association. Trainer for the Union Trades.

Education and professional training
High school diploma.
Master in public communication.
Courses in social planning.

Areas of expertise
Work and professional training.
Planning and management of work inclusion projects.
Planning and management of orientation and work searching projects

Language skills : French and English


Work networks in the V District and in the areas of urban regeneration (CdQ Via Parenzo, PRU Corso Grosseto)
